How exposure to light can positively influence your mental health

“The human body thrives when the weather is warmer. According to research, the main reason for mood changes comes down to longer days and thus, exposure to more light,” says Lowri Dowthwaite, a Lecturer in Psychological Interventions at the University of Central Lancashire.

Mental health has been getting a lot of attention lately which is fantastic and here’s my suggestion that is really beneficial to me as someone who often experience low periods. One thing that really helps me is icreasing the light in my room.

It’s a fact that natural light can affect your sleep so why can’t it affect your mental health. We don’t have to look far to find research and evidence and it’s true that most of us feel a lot happier during sunnier days than we do when it’s dreadful, dark and gloomy.

When rooms face away from the window and when we’re in the dark and we tend to feel a bit lonely, sad and low. of course i have to remain balanced in stating what helps our health because that there are a lots of others factors invloved but one thing i am certain of, when we allow light in the room, it makes the space feeling open and calmer and generally tends to produce a more positive feeling, and reflects a more hopeful and enjoyable day.

There are many articles about why we all feel sad and depressed during winter. Of course i would be feel sad in winter, it’s cold, dark and mostly gloomy, well in England anyway. Some people love winter, why? i do not know and i am not one of them. the articles tend to mention tends that our emotions are connected can be connected with the amount of light we recieve and as mentioned earlier, winter tends to be dark and gloomy and of course that adds to the fact that the amount of light we receive therefore, with evidence from some of these articles, it proves the point.

When we’re feeling low, this often affects our productivity and studies have found that with more exposure to light our productivity tends to be increased so I’m not a genius but I understand correlation. Correlation doesn’t always show cause-and-effect but in this circumstance, we can conclude and understand that they are showing a positive correlation plus it actually makes sense.

i love it when I can open the curtains and just soak in the  light and who doesn’t love a relaxing day in the sun. This is why you see so many people at the beaches allying enjoying and is genuinely being happy.

if you’re moving into a new house think about how you could increase the light in your house because it’s better to have a light and airy room and it  improves the Home atmosphere psitively and if we’re looking at it stylishly, an open home makes things look more modern I think. if this something you are considering, i suggest traditional sash windows as these are the best methods to allow light in but not drastically changed your home design.

When designing a home you should always consider having a lot of natural light in each part of the houses. The point is that light is generally is good but natural light is really one of the best things for us because not only does it allows us to have healthy sleep routines but it massively affects the way we feel.

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