Do we need a social media break?

It’s 2018, nearly every person has a phone. A mobile phone has always had its uses, but recently the risks involved grows evermore.

I can honestly admit my reliance on my phone and I can definitely feel the effects of it. I feel alone and lost without it sometimes, it has also had an effect on my eyes, granted my genetics do not aim for perfect 20/20 eyesight, but I do believe the process of requiring glasses was definitely sped up by the excessive use of a smart screen, guess it’s not so smart after all.

Biggest social media apps that we find ourselves addicted to are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat (I know WhatsApp is technically social media but I see it as a messaging app aha). The defense so many people have nowadays and I’m even joining this crew is, people now have careers because of social media. I’m a digital marketer so I have to agree with them but still… that doesn’t mean we have to spend our whole life on it.

Career building online isn’t a bad thing, but we shouldn’t mistake it for addiction. To grow your social media doesn’t mean you have to spend your whole day on it. First of all, that’s not how it works, also being active 24 hours might even lead to social media banning you. Which of course, you absolutely don’t want.

There are many negatives to social media such as safety and the confidence or lack of it, but the big thing is the hold it has on us. We feel we can’t connect with our friends such as keeping in contact so as to get to know them better and organise things together. It helps broaden our life’s a lot more but it also limits so many crucial days to day things. Personally, I’m not the most go-getting person but I’ve definitely seen more of a decline as I just want to stay home and use my phone.

i found that scheduling is really vital in maintaining a healthy anything, and it definitely works with social media. know what you need to do with it, whether it is posting content for business or keeping on friends. Whatever’s on the internet stays on the internet, so just because we don’t see a post today, doesn’t mean we won’t see it tomorrow.

28 thoughts on “Do we need a social media break?

  1. Fab post, I’m the same sometimes I definitely feel quite attached to my phone, like if I’m walking home and my phone is dead sometimes I feel a bit panicky! I think it’s good to take social media breaks, I definitely haven’t been on it as much over December, and sometimes I did feel a bit bad that I hadn’t read someone’s blog post as it was published but of course, that will still be there the next day and so on!

    Chloe xx

    1. Exactly, there’s always the next day. I’m totally the same. The moment I get in the car, I have to make sure I see my phone. It’s so bad 🤦🏾‍♀️

  2. You are so damn right about this! I’ve considered multiple times going on a social media detox, but never got too it, cause I’m afraid I might be addicted. Great post!

    1. I am definitely addicted! If you really want to do it, then just do a few hours a day. Slowly at first then you can break free x

  3. This is so true, I get an awfully panicky feeling it I can’t find my phone. On the rare occasion I do forget it, I would drive home to get it because I’m so lost without it. It’s weird, it’s like I need to survive. But yet if I had forgot my lunch I definitely wouldn’t waste the fuel and I’d go hungry!

  4. Great post! I’ve seen so many people whose life depends on the number of likes and follows they have on Instagram. It gives a sense if false satisfaction sometimes. I always make it a point to take a break from social media once a month for a week at least.

    1. Thank you. sadly this is the direction the world is going, a person’s happiness depending on how many likes they get.

  5. I agree! It’s amazing, but it’s also terrible when not utilized properly! I have many family members that are addicted and I struggle myself with how much time I spend on my phone! It’s scary how reliant we are on them!

    1. Thanks for reading. It definitely it’s scary and it creeps on you aswell and before you know it, you struggle to keep it from bing a huge distraction. But like you said, it has to be utilised properly

  6. This is very true. Social media has taken over many peoples lives. To much is not a good thing, but the addiction is powerful. We just have to remember there is life outside of social media. Unplug once in a while to give yourself a breather. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Great post excellent reminders. I really enjoyed this piece you’re a great writer. You’re so right just because we are growing our social media doesn’t mean we have to be on 24/7.. preach on sister

  8. I agree. We are spending too much time on social media nowadays. I am trying not to look at my phone when I am with friends but sometimes I can’t help it. It’s good now that there are apps measuring how much time we spend online. I think I will install one of them on my phone to limit my time online.


  9. I couldn’t agree more! I have tried the social media detox, and it has helped me clear my mind of so much clutter. It’s not that easy, honestly. So, for now, to make it more realistic- I try to limit my social media use to just one hour per day. Instead of scrolling through IG or FB, I declutter my house, read a book, write on my blog, and do my real online work. #BlogCrush

  10. I’ve kind of had become a bit strict with myself as I found I was on at the teens for always having their phones in their hands but I was as bad if not worse. It’s quite tricky to find a balance but it is certainly necessary #blogcrush

  11. I agree I think it’s far too easy to become addicted to your phone, I am definitely too addicted to mine, I’m even going as far as messing around on Candy Crush and YouTube if nothing is happening on social media. I think scheduling social media posts is a great way to reduce the amount of time you are on them!

    Great post!

    Jess xxx ||

  12. I have been having a social media break but I know to build my blog I need to use social media over all platforms.

    Double edge sword I guess. Great post x

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