Be confident

Kids-Prints-Be-Confident700 Skinny, fat, huge, big… All these words have negative connotations in reference to our body size. An example of how words can really hurt a person’s self-image and self-worth.

Learning to love yourself and disregard others opinions is truly one of the hardest things in life and quite frankly, you never truly master it, no matter how much you believe you truly are past it. True it may not be on your mind in most cases, but there is always a slight however small hesitation before we do what we want.

Some people can confidently say they really are not bothered by the comments made by others and I truly admire them because it took me so long to realise that. Self-confidence is one of the purest things in life.

Once self-confidence is gained, we can then move on to finding ourselves. For me, I’ve learned that I am hyper, loud, energetic and most important, colourful. This has been reflected in the way i approach people, the way I dress and the way I act.

One example of how I’ve lost interest in pleasing others is my style, i don’t go for the conventional way of dressing. i wouldn’t say it unique or wildly different, but it’s my style influenced by me, i don’t intend to be the most stylish or wear the most expensive clothes, once in a while, i even enjoy rummaging through charity shops.


Years ago, meeting people was an occasion i had mixed feelings about, as I’d had to gauge the type of person they were and having to change and adapt myself to be suitable to the type of person i was meeting.  seems like a nice gesture you might say, making the other person comfortable and developing the friendship. sounds lovely, but that was not what motivated me, the motivating factor was that i wanted them to like me and that truly is not the best tactic, yes you want friends but they should like you for you, they should know who you are and whether you jel well or you don’t. a forced friendship is not beneficial to anyone.

Self-confidence is expressed in different ways. we just need to remind ourselves that happiness comes from within (gosh how cheesy does that sound)

Noble and great. Courageous and determined. Faithful and fearless. That is who you are and who you have always been. And understanding it can change your life, because this knowledge carries a confidence that cannot be duplicated any other way.― Sheri L. Dew

Thanks for reading

Osi x

18 thoughts on “Be confident

  1. Loved reading this, you’ve shared such an important message that anyone at any age needs to hear & learn. Also I absolutely love the top you’re wearing in this pic!

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