Why I love summer/spring

The warm sensation as the sun bounces off your body. The sun rays beaming high, The shorts, skirts and dresses, and sandals are on.

To me, this is the greatest two seasons of the year (perhaps the sun doesn’t shine too much in spring but it is still a beautiful season)

Spring brings some wonderful smiles as the trees are revived. Beautiful vibrant flowers are growing. Colours are coming back into the world and the hard long winter is now reaching a distant memory.

Sounds just like a dream. When you realise it is. Why? Because you live in England. Our summers here are humid. The flowers are out, the sun is beaming high in the sky, but it is not to be enjoyed. The constant moan of the type of heat distracts the fading memory of the harsh winter. We should be on to bigger and better things, however, we’re disappointed yet again. We hope all year long for summer. Summer probably lasts a week of it’s promised 3 months. However, we’re still delighted not to be accompanied by big heavy jackets and coats.

Spring-like its name takes over its springy showers, this wouldn’t be so bad if it didn’t take over the whole day and nights, rendering all the beautiful new colours dull. However every so often the sun shines and Britain’s are driven crazy as they rush to acquire BBQ supplies and send the invites all around.

Summer is always the biggest gamble, as no rain is promised however British weather promises nothing, but we still revel in the joy of not running to our home just after 4 with the fear of being caught in the dark.

All in all, my favourite seasons in England bring me joy, whether it reaches its potential or not, solely because I love colours and summer fashion. It really brings out my personality. I am a much happier person in summer and that is why I love it so much.

11 thoughts on “Why I love summer/spring

  1. I live in Michigan so our spring is warm during the day and cooler at night. However, I enjoy the spring the most because I don’t like humid and hot days during the summer.

  2. Love Spring and Autumn most both so colourful in such different ways and I guess I don’t enjoy the extremes of the other months. I love how you write and make the most of this lovely season and make special memories #HoneyBeeLinky

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