2019 was an interesting year for me. I had established my blog and my social media and when I was filled with self adulation and pride, I could even call myself a micro-influencer. I had done most of the work in 2018 and 2019 was kind of a year to do some of relaxing and I guess enjoy the fruits of my labor. however what happened was I got extremely relaxed and jumped straight into the lazy zone and now 2020 I’m having to fight off all my bad habits I had established in 2019.
What happened in 2019
• I continued to receive some collaboration with brands and earned some money with my blog
• I discovered the world of Kpop and Kdrama. I pretty found out this whole country called South Korea and was absorbed in it
• I withdrew myself from life an social setting and begun to feel even more depressed
• I gained lots of weight and got sad during the end of the year about the weight gain
• I changed jobs, finally nearing the end of my apprenticeship
• i established the beginnings of my soon to come self employment
So 2019 was relatively busy but also incredibly not. I threw out of the window any sense of care about my wellbeing and need for routines. I turned 20 and further from my school days, my drive to learn as was evident in 2018 was gone and thus hindering my growth in my chosen career or even the growth of my blog and social media. Of course it’s now back to the new year new me malarky.
So 2020 is a year where I am now settled at my work on I will no longer be a studentby the beginning of summer, starting this year has been a big struggle because like I said 2019 was just me setting off into becoming lazy and all my studying routines were thrown out the window. I got a lot more lazier and more depressed so the goal for the next few months is to start learning again, making less excuses for why I’m not out with friends.
I want to improve my mindset improve, my work ethic and set off my part-time business which would hopefully going to full time by 2022 if not 2021. I’m trying to set back to the old me by getting back into visiting my friends more regularly and joining in activities that i used to enjoy.
it’s a real shame that at 20 I feel that I’ve become so far withdrawn from society, plus 15 year old me would be so disappointed right now. I’d always said to my self who was always sad that I couldn’t attend events due to not having a car or a family member with a car, that the moment I was old enough to drive, I would attend all the events I was invited to.
Things to do in 2020
• Be happier
• Visit friends more often
• Write more blog post/ be more active on social media
• Work hard on setting up business
• Study hard
• Complete apprenticeships well
Let’s make 2020 Osi a happier social me!