Navigating your adult life

Navigating life as a young adult can be stressful, tiring and difficult. Especially if you work a full time job or have children. There are a range of tips that can help ease the stresses of adult life navigation which I will explore in this post! – Plan your weeks: keeping organised is a great way toRead more


Let’s talk about me (again)

A lot has happened in the year since I published my blog and pretty much joined this incredible blogging community. some of these things I mentioned in my update post, but what I want to do with this post is to reintroduce myself to my new readers. I have been majorly slacking off in everythingRead more

My successful almost first year of blogging and what I’ve learned

Blogging had never really been considered at all, but suddenly at mid 18, I decided I needed something to let my thoughts and feelings out because I am most definitely not confident saying it out loud in person. I’m a coward with my feelings if it isn’t sarcasm, now that just comes out whenever itRead more

Do we need a social media break?

It’s 2018, nearly every person has a phone. A mobile phone has always had its uses, but recently the risks involved grows evermore. I can honestly admit my reliance on my phone and I can definitely feel the effects of it. I feel alone and lost without it sometimes, it has also had an effectRead more

My natural hair journey

Chemical filled hair I always favoured length over health! My hair has been relaxed (chemicals) since I’ve been young, I’m not certain on the reason why this was such a popular thing but everyone I was aware of, had their hair relaxed and it became a mandatory hair styling where once the hair extensions wereRead more

Let’s talk shoes!

Don’t you just see some girls strutting around in gorgeous yet uncomfortable heels, sometimes I think to myself I would love to wear it just like them but then other days I get my brain back and think heck no am into that beauty is pain ideas? Saying that though, I’m about to completely contradictRead more