My favourite new finds!

!Disclaimer, some of these are gifted but some are actually purchased by me but I’m recommending/reviewing with honesty!

Every item is £5! do I need to say more? The quality is amazing! And the shipping isn’ terrible, Why am I even still talking?

I found this amazing online shop called Everything 5 pounds, it has items from everywhere. A theory by my mother is that its outdated stock purchased cheaply in order to provide us with this wonderful deal, therefore ensuring that the quality isn’t dreadful and quite wonderful to me at least, other ideas not to so fun.

I for one love a bargain and I’ve been trained by my mother to tactfully shop at charity shops. This has trained me to be more careful with my spending but also calmed any interest in overpriced items. I’ve found that I really could not care any less for designers, strange coming from an African aha but someone could flaunt their whatever designs in front of me and I wouldn’t even know what designer it is. So, therefore, unlabelled items aren’t an issue for me. Whatever does the job eh.

Unless the price affects the efficiency of the product, meaning skincare, then I’m willing and happy to indulge. I’m not stingy aha.

Prozelectronics watch, this is something I never thought I’d need until I got it and I love it! This is a watch sent to me by a brand to review and share. I mean who doesn’t love free stuff and even better free useful items. I’ve always wanted a Fitbit but my budget has never reached it, so I’ve never bothered about it.

But I’ve had it for over a month now and honestly, I just love it! Whenever it’s not on my wrist I actually feel lost without it.

It has my alarm, it keeps me aware of my BPM and my favourite part, it tells me how i sleep and the other parts are just a reminder of how unfit I am!

For a true review, I’ve got to say some things I don’t like about it, the battery life isn’t wonderful, it’s rechargeable but the batter gets flat almost every week and a half, that could be normal but I’m not certain. The second thing I’m not certain of is it is waterproof, I’m yet to find anywhere In its package that says it is so whenever I go to have a shower I take it off, except for some feeble times when I forgot to and it was fine.


I was gifted with some amazing bath bombs that I regret not taking videos in the bath! These were my first times using bath bombs, I’ve secretly always wanted to get bath bombs but have never been able to justify the purchase.

They are extremely amusing, definitely provides some fun in the bath, but I’m certain you know that’s not their purpose. Quite frankly I’m not certain of their actual purpose, i guess it’s relaxing.

I have mixed feelings about these because as much as they were fun and delightful, they did make me itch after my baths so my advice would be to have a shower after if you want to enjoy some bath bombs.

Truevitnsturals hemp oil

Before Receiving this product I hadn’t heard much about him boil and I wasn’t aware of the benefits so when I was told I was going to receive this one that I did a bit of research and hemp seed oil has so many benefits and so obviously I became excited for the product not knowing how it was going to be put back in a capsule or in the free oil thing so I am yeah but it wasn’t too bad the way it was pet because I think it then became

I’m, not a fan of how it’s been put but I’ve battled through it and trialed it for a while. I think it’s doing a great job but taking it daily has been a great struggle to me.

Scent and soul hot water bottle

This was a blessing to me because it fixes my two problems which are me being always cold and my back problems. Another thing I really loved about this was how soft it was I even had to fight my little brother in order to use it because it is just so soft he wanted it as well.

I’m grateful for this product because it really did soothe my back pain because of the way it’s designed it as it lines up with my spine and therefore it is able to relieve the pain and especially my situation where I’m not clear where the pain is with it constantly moving.


Who doesn’t love a face mask? know I do!

Procoal were so kind as to send me a pack that has three sheet masks in it.

I have terrible combined skin which I am yet to find the product of my dreams but sometimes it’s fun searching. Procoal’s sheet mask was incredible to use. The hydrating feel after is absolutely worth it. I’m often nervous putting a wet mask on because of the cold feel but this is most definitely worth it. My face felt incredibly soft and clean after using these, however, for me, my blackheads are deep-rooted that only diggers can get in.

The minerals in the mask did help freshen up my skin. This is definitely a mask id be happy to use again for a pamper day and a skin detox.

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