You are beautiful

Beautifully confident without makeup Makeup is a beautiful thing and can be used in many artistic ways, but let’s face it, there are negative connotations with the use of it. One of them is that the person is insecure about how they look. Not true in many cases but let’s focus on those instances thatRead more


My favourite new finds!

!Disclaimer, some of these are gifted but some are actually purchased by me but I’m recommending/reviewing with honesty! Every item is £5! do I need to say more? The quality is amazing! And the shipping isn’ terrible, Why am I even still talking? I found this amazing online shop called Everything 5 pounds, it hasRead more

Navigating your adult life

Navigating life as a young adult can be stressful, tiring and difficult. Especially if you work a full time job or have children. There are a range of tips that can help ease the stresses of adult life navigation which I will explore in this post! – Plan your weeks: keeping organised is a great way toRead more

Let’s talk about me (again)

A lot has happened in the year since I published my blog and pretty much joined this incredible blogging community. some of these things I mentioned in my update post, but what I want to do with this post is to reintroduce myself to my new readers. I have been majorly slacking off in everythingRead more

My successful almost first year of blogging and what I’ve learned

Blogging had never really been considered at all, but suddenly at mid 18, I decided I needed something to let my thoughts and feelings out because I am most definitely not confident saying it out loud in person. I’m a coward with my feelings if it isn’t sarcasm, now that just comes out whenever itRead more

Do we need a social media break?

It’s 2018, nearly every person has a phone. A mobile phone has always had its uses, but recently the risks involved grows evermore. I can honestly admit my reliance on my phone and I can definitely feel the effects of it. I feel alone and lost without it sometimes, it has also had an effectRead more