Why I shed a tear

Right from a young age, I’ve always been called sensitive, and this has been presented in various ways, but this post focuses on the emotional sensitivity. My earliest memory of crying was around 5 years of age and I was told not to play football with my brothers due to them playing with their friendsRead more


What skills do I have?

I often tend to jokingly describe myself as a” housewife who can’t keep the house clean”. This is because I enjoy activities such as baking, cooking, crochet, and sewing. All of these I can say for a fact I’m not above beginner level. But they are what brings me joy. At this moment, I amRead more

The not so joys of moving house

After 5 years of living in my current home with my family. We have decided that we would like to be more comfortable. My family and I are moving from a 3 bedroom to a 5 bedroom where not one person has to share a room. Of course this is not a new thing forRead more


Don’t you just hate the importance of money. It truly is frustrating how a piece of paper has so much value in it, and has the ability to drive people crazy and create an obsession over it. Some people get so obsessed over it that they overwork themselves and in the end never spend it.Read more

Life in Nigeria

The delicacy. The sun. The people. Nigeria is a testing country. The outside view of this country is harsh but deep inside it has beautiful people, beautiful villages, and languages. Growing up there I was a sheltered child so I bear very little knowledge of the country. However, I was born there and lived thereRead more

Dream travel destination

I absolutely am in love with the Spanish language, the sound of it, the feel of it, even the written form looks stunning and to top it all off, the songs sound amazing. I would definitely love to surround myself with it. So my dream destination would have to be one of the countries inRead more