I for one know a thing or two about the effects of lack of positivity in their life.
When surrounded by positivity, we feel empowered, inspired and active. Three very important feelings that contribute to an uplifting day. Granted our feelings could be an impacted by a devastating event, however, we strive to maintain a positive outlook. The outlook we have of life is controlled by us, the world is full of imperfect people and has many traumatic events. we do not want to move around our day sulking or angry solely on the action of another imperfect human or an expected news.
You could say, surely there comes a time in life that sadness is expected. This is a true fact, however not the point. Of course, you are not expected to attend a funeral with a rainbow outfit and an ear to ear grin. The point being made is to not let a sad moment in life drag out the good, every event and feeling has a place, but we want to end the day with a huge sigh and a smile, regardless of if we have just been fired from our dream job, or we’ve just found out someone we love is terminally ill. Two incredibly sad events, although events in which we have no control, we could either dread on the idea of grovelling and begging for our job back or use the opportunity to either look on a new chapter of working for another great company or utilise our newly found free time to embark on a new journey of travelling, new exciting ways of earning money or if lucky, getting the opportunity of becoming self employed. Dealing with a terminally ill friend or family can be severely saddening, but one thing we want to do is keep the sick individual happy, which can help the feelings around the situation. We also want them to enjoy their last moments and on a selfish motive, leave us a loving memory of them.The moral of the story is, ‘How do you want to be perceived by others?’ i know that I revel in the fact that I am known as the who jumps and dances everywhere there is music. Be a unique happy you.Osi x
This is definitely food for thought and provides a different way of looking at things . Well done
Thank you ❣️
This post is so great. Positivity can make you feel great! Not to say you won’t have bad days but it’s important to keep a positive attitude whatever the situation.
Ellie x
Thank you for getting the point I was making ❣️
This is a great post! I totally agree happiness can be found in just about every situation
Thank you ✨✨✨