I am a massive k-drama fan, i have been watching k-dramas since 2019 and after my first “let me see what this show is about” on a Korean drama, I have been hooked! I have watched so many dramas at the same time and period that I don’t even know what my first drama was. This probably has more to do with my bad memory but hey ho, I’ll blame all the good dramas.
So i am kicking off my new Kdrama review page with my latest addition to my 2022 watch list, Twenty-five Twenty-one. This is a drama starring Nam joo-hyuk and Kim Tae-ri. This drama follows the life of the two main characters but more closely on the female lead Na Hui-do who is 18 and a high school junior fencer with initial hopes of training with similarly aged star and Olympic gold medalist in Fencer, but later shifts her focus to joining the national team (episode 3 spoiler). The male lead Baek Ijin is a 22 year old whose family has recently gone bankrupt and he is trying to support his separated family. We watch how their friendship develops through support and understanding within their opposite personalities.

Although I have watched many dramas, this is my fourth Nam joo-hyuk drama and my first for Kim Tae-ri. I am familiar with Joo-hyuk works and he is a very good actor, who at times displays similar personalities across his roles, like the adorable clumsy boy next door, but that can also depend on the script. Kim Tae-ri is an actor I am completely unfamiliar with, to my surprise she is 31, older than NAM JOO-HYUK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is adorable, 31 is not old but she doesn’t even look mid 20. From the 3 episodes seen, she is an incredible actor, the emotions in her eyes are mesmerising.
Back to the drama, Na Hui-do is a girl we should all aspire to, be it a little naive and excitable, her heart is in the right place and so is her focus. She is met with many disappointments because her expectations are often too high, this drama really hits the nail in the head of never meet your heroes.
I have a special place in my heart for Yijin’s family, a normal storyline In dramas for his type of family is often dysfunctional and typically rich and too busy to love each other, but in this drama, they really love one another and their situation is causing a real heartache for them as they are separated.
The male lead brings some calm to the chaos of over exited teens he is surrounded with and although only 22, his personal experience has benefited him a level head. It’s really fun to watch their friendship grow and I have a feeling writer-nim will have an leap to when they are older before they begin dating.

For those that haven’t watched the show yet. There is a big reveal at the end of episode 3. Most of your theories will be wrong!
Omg! I found another k drama fan what??! I did not watch this one and now I am really intrigued! I also wrote about a few shows that I watched and liked as well! https://mygemzoflife.wordpress.com/2022/05/09/recent-k-dramas-that-i-think-are-worth-the-watch/