Life is long and there are many things to do, but sometimes we can lack that motivation and this can sometimes make life feel boring and pointless. Here are some ideas on how to motivate yourself and refocus on making life worthwhile.

1. Set goals
There’s nothing more motivating than a goal to achieve. Anyone can have a goal or a dream they want to achieve but it’s important to make sure your goals are realistic and have a clear end and achievement. Some ways of keeping motivated and making sure to stay on track Is to tell friends and family or to create some midpoint achievements and prizes.
2. Break things down
Having a big goal can be a bit overwhelming and can seem daunting which will eventually make it difficult to motivate yourself to keep going. The best way to battle against a seemingly unachievable goal is by breaking them down into manageable chunks to make them feel more achievable. A treat for a step completed always goes a long way for motivation.
3. Write it down
One good thing about writing things down is, once past the tediousness of it, there is the lovely feeling of reading it back after a while. We often write about the struggles, the bad and the good. Looking back to a seemingly life and death situation at the moment will definitely bring a smile while thinking ‘oh how dramatic I was’.
You could try writing down one or two positive things achieved each day? Taking notice of small achievements can be a really helpful exercise to remind ourselves of the positives when we’re feeling demotivated. Past achievements can really reassure individuals of their skills.
4. Take breaks!
Breaks are the best! No matter how much or how urgent the work is, you need to take regular, short breaks to maintain your concentration levels. Break time can be used as a motivator or a relaxation for the brain, it can be used to do things that you enjoy. Remind yourself there are lots of different things that make you who you are, not just your work.
5. Talk to someone
Who better to help motivate than a personal close friend who can understand better than anyone. Sharing ideas and goals with people helps to keep yourself accountable.
This was handy as I struggle with my motivation
I go through cycles of being motivated and then losing it so this was really great to read; it’s given me some useful things to try out when it hits!