First and foremost for a healthy body, skin and hair what is important is a healthy diet. Some of the foods you should be eating are;
- Beans
- Meat
- Eggs
- Dairy products
Fill yourself up with healthy protein and you’ll start to see a better you.
A healthy diet doesn’t just stop at main foods. You can get nutty as well if you want but don’t forget the fruits and vegetables.
- All kinds of yummy nuts
- Vegetables (Raw and Cooked)
- Fruits
- Explore a mix with salads

Now the main story everyone always shouts at you but you never listen is DRINK WATER!!
So your diet is looking pretty good now isn’t it? But have you gone to the fish aisle, are you getting a little salmon or tuna in your weekly shop? Well don’t forget the dairies aswell, get your cheeses and yogurt.
Your shopping looks complete on the food side, now ofcourse we’ve all got our food allergies but find try to find substitutes if you must and if not, then supplements.
Let’s move over to the direct hair supplies. So you want to purchase a shampoo, good,but how frequently are you going to use it? Do you have thick, thin or in the middle hair?
Well that’s the difference between washing your hair twice a week or every other week. let’s not forget how active you are during your week, are you a student, office worker, personal trainer or… I mean if you are a personal trainer and working up a sweat every-time you leave your house, I can imagine you need to wash your hair on the daily.
Another important factor, probably most important is, do you have dry or oily hair? As people with oily hair may need to shampoo more regularly than those with dry hair.
As important as shampoo is, it often leaves your hair dry and lifeless especially if you overuse it, this is where the conditioner comes in. I’m not a strong believer of all in one but if your hair is happy with it, go right ahead. But find out first!
Everyone works well in moderation, don’t be tempted to use a lot of shampoo with an aim to get your head squeaky clean because instead you are just drying out your hair. Don’t be drawn in by how soft the conditioner makes your hair, your hair is at a very fragile state, sort your hair washing business and move on the next stage.
As you probably already know, there is such a thing as heat damage, which can be caused by heat drying and constant heat styling tools, so first if possible, air dry and if a straightener or a curler must be used, use a heat protection product.
For maintenance, don’t tie your hair up too tight frequently, if you are a gel user, minimise how much you use. Scalp massaging is a thing, cut those split ends and go easy on the bleach if you die your hair. If you have a thicker hair, my strongest personal recommendation is Castor oil. Don’t over-treat your hair. A keratin treatment is not meant to be done every month, give some space.
For your physical health which can affect your hair growth, keep away from stress, don’t over Medicate when you don’t need to and keep the alcohol to a minimum and not only will your hair be glowing but you’ll be see your skin glowing aswell.
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