Makeup shades are getting brighter by the day. YouTubers are such great help when it comes to knowing how to apply and how to blend, but they always focus on a set of brands. Probably because they’re affiliated with them. But today I will be reviewing Jolie beauty Bomb Dot Com Glitter palette.

A few years ago, I purchased some super cheap glittery eyeshadow palette and after that one use, it’s never seen me near it again. Why? Because it was rough, didn’t settle well and made a right mess on my face. So normally i steer clear from glitter eyeshadow pallets
This palette has so many bright and pretty shades. There are also subtle colours that although they are glitter, can be used in a more casual setting. However, these would be perfect for those christmas gatherings amd activities ( COVID conscious of course) and it’s just the perfect thing to add a little sparkle to this miserable year. We need something to brighten our 2020 as we head to 2021 and this could be it.
For the first try, i googled ‘simple eyeshadow looks for beginners’ and i substituted some shades for the glitter. This was my result .

Its a simple look; i used concealer for the base, then a brown eyeshadow, the red glitter shade and the blue eyeliner to finish the look.
It has a classic glitter makeup feel but it doesn’t clump up or at least it didn’t for the day that i had it on. Most glittery makeup tends to feel like a burden to me, but this did not have that effect on me. Perhaps i put on small quantities but it felt okay and didn’t get stuck anywhere i didn’t want it to. Glitter is one of the most difficult things to get rid of, but this wasn’t so difficult. I used a cleanser and my face was 90% glitter-free as completed my face washing.
The box helps you with how to apply for beginners like. It tells you to pat instead of rub, believe me, if you rub, you will be getting a much different result and also a whole lot of mess on your face, you will also be there for a while clearing the mess of glitter on your face.
One advise with this is, create your eye makeup look first before applying your other layers of makeup. By doing this, you don’t have to worry too much about the mess and you can quickly wipe off and move on to your next steps. Of course if you apply gently as per instructions, this is less likely to occur.

I feel as though i have been won over by this palette and i am looking forward to more glittery looks in the future. I may not celebrate Christmas but i shall see you at the next post COVID event with my shimmering look.
I think this is a real great blog post. Thanks Again. Really Cool. Steffie Kristo Percival