What happened in 2019

2019 was an interesting year for me. I had established my blog and my social media and when I was filled with self adulation and pride, I could even call myself a micro-influencer. I had done most of the work in 2018 and 2019 was kind of a year to do some of relaxing andRead more


Be more confident in your own skin

This is a really important and close to the heart blog post, and this has been inspired by my obsession with South Korea, which all started with my Korean drama obsession. Korean beauty standards (according to media and hear say) is beyond crazy! You should be perfect in every way possible. As a black andRead more

How to reduce the effects of Dating on your mental health

Dating in 2019 can be difficult With so many different There are so many negative impact dating and having a mental health it can make us feel low it can make us feel unworthy, they can make us feel depressed when someone who you thought you truly cared about turns around and says that theyRead more

Rehydrate with Gatorade

Disclaimer!! This was gifted but all opinions are solely mine and objective. I am normally not a fan of sports drinks due to their negative reputation of not being particularly good for you in the long run, however, I gave Gatorade a try and actually did some research on it. Don’t get me wrong I’mRead more

You are beautiful

Beautifully confident without makeup Makeup is a beautiful thing and can be used in many artistic ways, but let’s face it, there are negative connotations with the use of it. One of them is that the person is insecure about how they look. Not true in many cases but let’s focus on those instances thatRead more

My favourite new finds!

!Disclaimer, some of these are gifted but some are actually purchased by me but I’m recommending/reviewing with honesty! Every item is £5! do I need to say more? The quality is amazing! And the shipping isn’ terrible, Why am I even still talking? I found this amazing online shop called Everything 5 pounds, it hasRead more