What is the difference between black castor oil and plain

I am the biggest fan of castor oil and it has blessed my hair in so many ways.  Here i am thinking about Jamaican black castor oil. What is that? Does a different colour mean anything? Is it better or worse than the plain one i am currently using? So first, I’m thinking about what makesRead more


Skincare for Oily Skin

A common decision from those with oily skin is to used harsh products that aim to dry out the skin and even at times steer clear of the oils and the moisturisers. Is this really the true cure? I’m sure you wouldn’t be here if it was, because the reality is, that is not whatRead more

Comfortable and stylish loungewear in the winter

Covid, winter, lockdown, work from home… the list goes on. We are all at home and we are not loving it, the wardrobe is barely touched and there’s an increase in our pyjamas drawer. Here are some stylish, comfortable and affordable outfits that you can wear at home and can even pass on those zoomRead more

How to get healthy hair

First and foremost for a healthy body, skin and hair what is important is a healthy diet. Some of the foods you should be eating are; Beans Meat Eggs Dairy products Fill yourself up with healthy protein and you’ll start to see a better you. A healthy diet doesn’t just stop at main foods. YouRead more

Eco Style Up With Wolf and Gypsy

It’s 2020 and we as a society are more conscious of our motivations towards acquiring our belongings. More specifically, what we consume and how it affects the environment. We know what we’ve done to the planet and we are now working towards a better future, and this is being done through eco-friendly items. One item/brandRead more

Get glittery and glam with

Makeup shades are getting brighter by the day. YouTubers are such great help when it comes to knowing how to apply and how to blend, but they always focus on a set of brands. Probably because they’re affiliated with them. But today I will be reviewing Jolie beauty Bomb Dot Com Glitter palette. A fewRead more