One Tree Hill

Typical high school but with loads of drama. Then not so typical adult life with a lot more drama.
Funnily when I began watching this, I had stopped at their graduation, thinking that was the end of the show and didn’t know about the ‘5 years later’ until much later in my life. I absolutely adore the character Hayley- played by Bethany Joy Lenz (except for her bad period in the show) she is one of the reasons I have this crazy obsession with redheads.
The show definitely teaches that we don’t always end the way we started. So many goods went bad and so many bads went good. There are love, friendship and emotional and physical fights.
Gilmore Girls

Teen pregnancy leads mother to go from hostile rich family to joyful surviving life. Loving mother-daughter relationship. Their love of food and all things crazy. Each character brings certain strangeness to the town of stars hollow. French guy, the grumpy diner owner, clumsy chef, unusual farmer, gossip queens neighbours. What’s not to love.
I truly believe I owe my craziness to them. They taught me to be happy at all time and be a little bit crazy when it’s not expected. I clicked with Rory (Alexis Bledel) almost instantly, although having absolutely nothing in common with her didn’t cross my mind. She’s gorgeous, smart, focused, motivated and incredibly kind. She was often the adult motivating her mother.
The show ran on from her high school to graduation of college, her 3 boyfriends, how she grew with them.
My favourite boyfriend definitely has to be Logan (fight me on that aha)

From coma to music to love.
Regular family, smart kids. From love to drama. Dysfunctional families. Career rivalry.
Everwood is about a family who moves into a small town, father and son fall in love with their new neighbours, father and son learn more about each other and the little sister grows to a gorgeous king girl.
I’ve loved this show from when I was about 12, so about 7 years ago. I loved everything about it. I’m a sucker for quiet unloved guys, so I really fell for the main character, right until he gained some confidence.
Doctor who

I admire the weirdness of the show. It’s taught me so much about who I am. And in a way, it’s helped me to accept my weirdness. And it was my first step to becoming a Sci-fi nerd.
My first doctor who was my introductory doctor was Matt Smith, he was odd and funny. After I fell in love with the show I began to catch up with Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant. I even loved it so much I watched the older movies and the way older episodes. This show drove me to watch and love Torchwood and Sarah janes adventures.
To those non Britons (there’s no way you can be from Britain and never heard about doctor who) doctor who is about a Timelord (alien) who stole a TARDIS hundreds of years ago and travels in time, he normally travels with a companion, who normally fall in love with him except for my strong independent ginge Donna Noble. Currently, he is over a thousand years old. One thing that i can say though is, the earlier seasons are much better than the current ones.

How can a family be so clever, Yet so dysfunctional?
Sherlock brings astounding writing with such amazing back story. I love everything Sherlock does. When you think you’ve figured him out, he strikes back with a new move.
One thing I always have to think back on is, the idea that the show across to Sci-fi to me, however, it is nowhere near, it’s just an unusually clever guy solving crimes that have been so cleverly formulated that your thought is, it is not possible therefore it is fiction. (Maybe that’s just me)
sherlock solves crimes, Molly Cooper and John Watson loves him, Mycroft looks after him, Mrs. Hudson is not as dumb as she looks and Moriarty is just hilarious.
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Love this and secret an of gilmour girls. Haha x
Haha it’s amazing finding another Gilmore girls fan
Ahhhh, One Tree Hill is my all time favourite! Some other great choices in here, too. x
It’s amazing isn’t it
Sherlock is my absolute favorite!!! I just wish there were more !
Great picks!
I knowww. Each episode is 2 hours long at least