First, a grammogram/grammagram is a ‘letter or group of letters which can be pronounced to form on or more words, e.g C U as see you’.

Lately i have been loving these 2 songs from different worlds. First song is Abcdefu by GAYLE, this I must admit is more explicit than my usual taste, but after it blew up on tiktok, I became very interested in it. i think the lyrics are quite ingenious and although I can’t say I totally relate to them, they are fun to listen to. I was also pleasantly surprised when I heard the clean version on the radio, I thought it was cute.
Gayle is a newcomer or at least new to this level of popularity and I can’t wait to hear more from her.

INVU by Taeyeon is such a mellow and yet lively song. I was reluctant to listen at first for reasons I do not know, but the moment I gave it a go, I fell in love. On it’s own, I never even noticed INVU had any meaning, but singing it as I envy you and giving it a meaning is quite clever.
Taeyeon is a talented and beautiful singer but I can’t get into a lot of her songs because it’s sometimes very different from my taste, but this is such a great song, 10/10 for sure